100 Tory MPs to fight plain packaging on cigarettes

Special: 100 Conservative MPs are required to vote towards Government plans when the measure is put to a free vote of MPs within the next few weeks
Up to 100 Tory MPs are preparing to vote against Government plans to drive tobacco companies to promote cigarettes in simple packaging, The Telegraph can disclose.
In a move that may cause embarrassment intended for Prime Minister David Cameron weeks before the general election lots of Conservative MPs will vote up against the plans.
There was widespread surprise last week when Jane Ellison, a junior health minister, said MPs would be given a vote on whether to introduce plain appearance for cigarettes.
Miss Ellison claimed plain packaging had been a “proportionate in addition to justified response” due to the health risks related to smoking. Any new simple packaging law would come into force in Might 2016.
100 Tory MPs to fight plain packaging on cigarettes
The Cabinet is thought as split on the particular measure, with Theresa Might, the Home Admin, and George Osborne, the Chancellor on the Secretary, not forewarned about the plans.

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