Mark Zuckerberg finally shares an agenda to fight fake news on Facebook.

Mark Zuckerberg finally shares an agenda to fight fake news on Facebook.

Zuckerberg got previously rebuffed News Give criticism, saying the idea that Facebook could have influenced the election was "pretty crazy. inch

Dazzling a much more conciliatory tone on Friday, Zuckerberg outlined the measures the company is enacting and echoed previous comments this individual made about unwilling to become "arbiters of fact ourselves. " Among the steps the company is taking are better recognition and reporting tools, alert labels, better suggested articles, new ad policies, thirdparty verification and working more closely with journalists and media organizations.

Noting that the condition of misinformation and fake news is "technically and philosophically" complex, Zuckerberg said detection is the most crucial area to address. In this vein, Facebook is focusing on "better technical systems to identify what people will flag as false before they certainly themselves, inches he wrote

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