American indian court takes Facebook, Microsoft company, Google to task over offensive content

American indian court takes Facebook, Microsoft company, Google to task over offensive content

The Supreme Court has dispatched notice to the companies asking why they usually are stopping users from behaviours including circulating rape videos and posting other private content without the subjects' consent. The businesses have until Jan. 9 to act in response.

The matter was taken to the court by Prajwala, a Hyderabad-based NGO, which requested the companies remove offensive materials immediately after the information was brought to their attention.

Though these companies often block offensive content on their platforms, the issue in this illustration is deficiencies in communication between the tech behemoths, service providers, local government and carriers.

"Once reported, the said offensive image or post or video shall be indexed in the search engines in a shared database and the same shall be removed and the account will be reported to the regulators concerned within a duration of 36 hours, very well NGO's counsel, Aparna Bhat said.

This isn't the first time the Native american court has had an issue with leading technology companies. In July, it concluded that Google, Ask, and Yahoo had published advertisements for tools, packages, and clinics that helped people determine the gender of a fetus, an act that is against the law in India.

American indian court takes Facebook, Microsoft company, Google to task over offensive content

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